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Issues with saving images and media fields in Toolset Forms when using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront plugins


Reported for: Toolset Forms 2.4

Topic Tags: Toolset Forms


Toolset Forms offers 2 ways to upload media:

  • Native WordPress Media uploader
  • Native Forms upload mechanism

There is an issue when using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront plugins, and using the native WordPress Media Uploader in Forms. In this case, Featured Images are not saved against the created (or edited) post. They are uploaded, but not added to the post.

If instead, you disable the WordPress Media uploader for forms, Featured Images are added to the post properly, however, any custom media fields will store the local (server) upload path as value, instead of the generated Offload URL.

Update: A client reports the same issue for Bunny CDN, too.


One part of the issue can be avoided by using the WordPress Media Uploader in Forms and re-saving the Post Meta for the Featured Image using custom code.

Since all custom media fields, in this case, will already work properly, the problem will be solved with this step.

However, if you do not use the WordPress media Uploader, there is currently no stable solution for this issue.

Our developers are aware of both issues and will provide a fix in the future Forms update.

16 thought on Issues with saving images and media fields in Toolset Forms when using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront plugins

  • I think this is possibly a poor solution because I am finding that audio files (which are also attachments) are getting recorded as the post featured image which of course is incorrect

    • The issue described here is only about Featured Images, unless you use the old method to upload media (not the WordPress Uploader) – then it affects all custom fields.

      With the workaround you can solve only the issue appearing when you’d use the WordPress Uploader, the issue referring to the Custom Fields cannot be solved yet.

      I suggest opening a ticket if any of this doesn’t fit what you see.

    • I’m sorry, I completely had missed your point and Minesh has now informed me about what is meant, of course, the code is wrong. I will work on a proper solution that uses only the featured image, not all attachments, tomorrow. I will then update this erratum.

  • I’m sorry to say that this new version also isn’t working for me. If I use the WP Media library and try to attach an existing image, something is added as data to the featured image but no image is attached (I know something is added because I check in the view for existence and if not present a standard filler image; the filler image is not appearing either)

  • Is there any update on this? This not working means that anyone who uses S3 can’t use post edit forms because when they are used on an existing post, the image is removed.

    • No, there is no news. I will update this erratum as soon there are. I have nagged the developers to fix this ASAP as well.

      • I just discussed this internally and we will try to fix this ASAP like all other issues reported here in the errata section.

        However this will likely not happen 2019, this due to the current major focus on Gutenberg and Blocks features. Please do not expect a fix for it this year, however, I would mean you can slate some expectations in the early coming year.

        For now, there is no solution for this in Toolset Forms.

        • Is there any further update? This has been open for a very long time. This is a significant issue for us as it drives up AWS costs by forcing us to store duplicate images and forces users to upload images which they’ve already uploaded several times. Thanks

  • Thanks, but this has been open for almost a year. Can you please impress on 2nd tier how disruptive this is? In particular, it means images and files are duplicated which increases storage costs, and as far as I can tell it renders use of things like image compression unusable because they depend on using the image library uploader.

    For any significant website, use of a could storage method is essential so this seems to me to be a major flaw which ought to be fairly easy to address in less then 12 months.

    I love Toolset but this isn’t good at all.

  • Hi, I ran into the same problem with dynamic images for the gallery. I also use S3 to store my images. Toolset image fields cannot be rendered from S3. At least can you give us an update?

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