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Issue with “back to top” button for Genesis 2.5 integration plugin

Won't fix

Reported for: Toolset Genesis Integration 1.9.2


There is an issue with displaying the “back to top” button when Genesis integration plugin is active and you are using Genesis 2.5.0 theme.

Instead of displaying “back to top” button text, only a small black box was visible but without text.


This issue can be solved with a small change to the Genesis footer template file.

Steps to fix the issue:

  1. Edit the footer.php file found in the ../layouts-genesis/application/layouts/cell/view/ folder.
  2. Find the following line:
    return '<div class="' . $class. '">[footer_backtotop text="'return '<div class="' . $class. '">[footer_backtotop text="'. $theme_integration_footer_backtotop . '"]</div>';
  3. Replace it with:
    return '<div class="' . $class. '">'.$theme_integration_footer_backtotop.'</div>';
  4. Save changes.

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