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Default value issues for frontend filters styled as “select” or “radio” fields.


Reported for: Toolset Views 2.6.3

Resolved in: 2.6.4


In Views, when a frontend filter is styled as “radio” buttons the default option is always missing. Also, for a frontend filter styled as “select” field, when the values are entered manually, a default empty option is always added even if the user hasn’t added one.


This issue will be fixed in the next release of Toolset Views.

In the meantime, download this file, extract it and replace:

  • wpv-filter-meta-field-embedded.php in the /wp-views/embedded/inc/filters folder
  • wpv_walker_postmeta_radios.class.php in the /wp-views/embedded/inc/walkers folder
  • wpv_walker_postmeta_select.class.php in the /wp-views/embedded/inc/walkers folder

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