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Custom archive pagination broken by Astra theme



If you create a custom archive with Toolset and include pagination, e.g. to show 4 posts at a time, that setting will be overridden by the Astra theme pagination settings.


You can add the following code snippet (e.g. at Toolset > Settings > Custom Code) to prevent Astra from overriding the pagination settings.

You need to edit which post types the solution should be applied to.

* Exclude specified post type archives from Astra pagination
add_filter( 'astra_blog_post_per_page_exclusions', function( $post_types ){

// array of post type slugs with custom archives to apply this workaround to
$custom_archives = array( 'project', 'task', 'event' );

$exclusions = array_merge( $post_types, $custom_archives );

return $exclusions;
} );

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