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Content Templates are not editable using Fusion Builder when allowed post types are set in Avada settings


Reported for: Toolset Views 2.5

Resolved in: Toolset Views 2.5.1


When Avada is used, the user is able to edit the allowed post types that can use the Fusion Builder to edit their content.

If that setting for the allowed post types is set, then the Content Templates cannot be edited using the Fusion Builder anymore.


This issue will be fixed in the next version of Toolset Views.

In the meantime, this patch can be applied by unzipping it and uploading the files it contains to replace the ones with the same name. The files are:

  • avada.php in /vendor/toolset/toolset-common/user-editors/editor

Also, if you have another Toolset plugin installed, you might need to replace those same files in the exact same locations.

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