Won't fix
Reported for: Toolset Access 2.1
The FacetWP plugin doesn’t work correctly when the Access plugin is also active. For example, if you add a custom search and try to filter by taxonomy, the FacetWP filter is ignored and a full list of posts is rendered. The issue is actually caused by the FacetWP plugin, which is running the init filter before everything else.
If you use FacetWP while Access is active basically all FacetWP’s AJAX-based features like search results and pagination will fail.
FacetWP modifies the Main Query with additional parameters and runs another WP_Query instance to show search results.
Here is a short explanation of what happens:
This happens because of the late priority of Access and the early priority of FacetWP. At this point, this issue cannot be resolved.
Is there a workaround for this for version 2.5.3?
@EricD1: Thank you for the comment. We are in the process of contacting the FacetWP plugin to get the latest version of the plugin and test it.
@Dario: Can I provide you with a copy?
@EricD1: thank you for the kind offer but this is all handled by our Compatibility Team. They are in direct contact with the developer and it needs to go through them. Thanks a lot! 🙂
FacetWP 2.8.5 what about this version? Does not work, help please. I’m trying to make a filter through “Vievs”
Hello. How to make facetWP work with Views? With archives it works but with Views no (
Hi Mike
Thanks for the input. Actually, Views includes its own filtering engine, which also includes AJAX (meaning, filtering without a page refresh) and the ability to filter by any custom fields or taxonomies created with or outside Types. As FacetWP is a filtering plugin, we really never compared or tested how to integarte both, since we do offer the same functionality.
You mention that it works with archives, but not with Views. I would be interested in learning about how you integrated this with archives, and what exactly is not working (what you did and what went wrong) in Views.
Would you mind opening a dedicated support ticket about this? It will eventualy reach to me so i will be able to provide a more accurate answer.
Thanks in advance.
I did it without using Views. I used the shortcodes toolset for output via facetWP. I actually copied the code from Views into templates facetWP
Everything works)
<a href=""><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="" alt="" />
This is how I did in Woocommerce archives:
[facetwp facet=”_price”]
[facetwp facet=”_cat”]
[wpv-post-body view_template="Loop item in Pruducts cat"]
[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]No items found[/wpml-string]
also works 🙂
I did it without using Views. I used the shortcodes toolset for output via facetWP. I actually copied the code from Views into templates facetWP
Everything works)
<a href="”><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="” alt=”” />
This is how I did in Woocommerce archives:
[facetwp facet=”_price”]
[facetwp facet=”_cat”]
[wpv-post-body view_template="Loop item in Pruducts cat"]
[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]No items found[/wpml-string]
also works 🙂
Hi Mike
Thanks for the input
As I stated above, the right place to get support is our forum. Once you open a ticket we will evaluate theissue and see if there is an actual compatibility problem.
Thanks in advance.