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Access triggers error when using ACF WYSIWYG fields


Reported for: Toolset Access 2.1

Resolved in: Toolset Access 2.2

Topic Tags: Access plugin


On the post editing pages, Access triggers some Javascript errors when the Advanced Custom Fields plugin features WYSIWYG fields. This happens because the Access pop-up dialog box includes a text area field and ACF is trying to apply the rich editor to that field as well.


This issue will be solved in a future release of Toolset Access. In the meantime, you can use this patch to completely disable the Access button for Advanced Custom Fields WYSIWYG fields. This is only a temporary solution, as our goal is to make this work natively.

To apply the patch, upload the file contained in the zipped file and replace the one with the same name, located in the ../plugins/types-access/includes/ folder.

One thought on Access triggers error when using ACF WYSIWYG fields

  • thank you for taking the time to patch this issue. The support of you guys at onTheGoSystems has been excellent – we’ll continue to be good customers of yours!

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