WBE Netwerk Groningen

Toolset Contractor

Erik de Vries

Used Toolset components: Layouts, Types, Views, Access, Forms

Other components: Better Notifications For WordPress, Download Manager, Gravity Forms, WP Google Maps, Adminimize

This is multisite for a regional organization of wildlife management. The organization is spread over 17 local departments each between 50 and 150 members. Each department has their own sub-site on the multisite. All members are users of their local subsite. Members have a lot of custom user fields, as there are a lot of different members functions in this organization.

Each department has its own managing board. Managers have different functions, roles, and capabilities on their sub-site. They can edit members profiles through front end forms. They can post some custom post type messages. They can send bulk emails to selections of members, based on the settings of custom user fields. They can upload documents which have restricted access for board members only, and the uploads are protected even from none-board members who know the direct URL (thanks to Download Manager). Even the membership fees are managed through the communications channels of the website.

So the website has a public and a private front end and serves both as a communications channel for the general public and for the members. Moreover, it comprises a complete members administration system.