The Walden Woods Project

Toolset Contractor

Scott Lewis

The Walden Woods Project preserves the land, literature, and legacy of Henry David Thoreau. The Walden Woods Project worked with Scott Lewis of Lewis Studios to build a new website in 2016. The site uses Toolset Views and Types extensively.

Custom post types are used for the digital library of works by and about Henry David Thoreau. Custom fields and taxonomies allow bibliographic information to be attached to scanned PDFs of printed works and for them to be searched by the publisher, author, title and other of these fields.

Views and Content Templates range from simple catalog lists to a highly styled "Thoreau's Log" that is a digital diary of Thoreau's life and has the look of materials printed in the 1800's when he was alive.

Several features of Views and Types are essential to the site's functionality and appearance. The ability to have custom CSS that only loads when a view or content template loads and is scoped automatically to that section of content is quite useful. The ability to embed javascript in a content template is also essential to the navigation offered within Thoreau's Log.

There is custom PHP code powering the backend of this site but there is much less custom code than there would have been without Toolset's products.
