Klaipėdos lopšelis-darželis „Traukinukas“

Toolset Contractor


Website is made using official requirements of government institutions of EU. It has required data structure, for information about official releases, employee data and other required documentation listings.

Website is made using basic design.

The data structure of governmental kinder-garden institution:
1. The institution has different employment positions (director, teachers, assistants, etc.) each with unique functions described.
2. Each employee can only have one position in which he or she is employed.
3. Each employee can also participate in workgroups having different functions there.
4. Each employee can have a children group assigned to educate.

The goal is to have a connected data flow between different post types and easy page management.

Custom post types:
* positions (parent of employees, 1-n)
* employees
* workgroups
* child groups
* employee_has_work_group (n-n)
* employee_has_child_group (n-n)

* List of all employees with position and contact data.
* List of all positions with related personnel.
* List of all work groups in the institution with its members and their roles.
* List of all child groups with educational personnel assigned.

* Position page with position data and all related employees for that position.
* Employee page with profile data, position, all related child groups, and workgroups.
* Workgroup page with a description and all related employees + their roles in a workgroup.
* Child group page with a description and all related employees + their position in child group.

Using Bootstrap Starter Child theme with custom design.