Hi Thorsten,
Thank you for waiting and for sharing the snapshot of the website.
Initially, I had some difficulty getting access to your website's admin area, due to the coming soon plugin, but I eventually figured out how to access it using the access key, from the plugin's settings from the snapshot.
Unfortunately, your website's snapshot showed blank pages on the front-end when deployed on my own server, and I was restricted to use your actual website's admin area, to see how everything was set up.
The pages which are shown, when a tag title is clicked after selecting an "Alphabet" are the archive pages for each "Tag" term:
lien caché
lien caché
lien caché
Currently, these pages are using the default template "Inhalts-Template" ( lien caché ), from the Oxygen builder, but you can create a new "WordPress Archive" view for these post tag archives, from WP Admin -> Toolset -> WordPress Archives.
Here is a detailed guide on the topic:
Another alternative is to create a new view to show the "articles" post, but include a query filter to show only those which have a tag attached, whose slug is passed through a URL parameter.
Example screenshot: lien caché
You can then add this new view into a new page, for example, "Articles by Tag" ( e.g. lien caché ).
In the content template of your view "Stichwoerter Alphabetical Second View", you can then replace:
<div><a href="<em><u>lien caché</u></em>;">[wpv-taxonomy-title]</a></div>
Feel free to adjust the title and slug of this new page, as needed.
Additionally, to make the filtering of this view ( "Stichwoerter Alphabetical Second View" ) also work titles starting with 0-9, you can update the custom code to:
add_filter( 'wpv_filter_taxonomy_query', 'func_filter_taxview_by_char', 99, 4 );
function func_filter_taxview_by_char($tax_query_settings, $view_settings, $view_id){
if($view_id == 1591 and isset($_GET['terms-filter']) and $_GET['terms-filter']!=""){
// get the first character from the URL parameter "terms-filter"
$firstCharacterTerm = strtolower(mb_substr($_GET['terms-filter'], 0, 1));
// Get all the tags
$res = get_terms( 'post_tag', 'orderby=name&hide_empty=0' );
$ids = array();
foreach($res as $k=>$v):
// get the first character from the name of the current tag in the loop
$firstCharacterItem = strtolower(mb_substr($v->name, 0, 1));
// only store the tag ID if the first character from the name matches the one from the URL parameter "terms-filter"
if($firstCharacterItem == $firstCharacterTerm) {
$ids[] = $v->term_id;
$tax_query_settings['include'] = join(",",$ids);
else if($view_id == 1591 and !isset($_GET['terms-filter'])){
// if no URL parameter "terms-filter" is set, don't show any tag
$tax_query_settings['name__like'] = "00000";
return $tax_query_settings;
Note: To include the options for 0-9, you'll also need to add each number as a seperate term in the custom taxonomy "Alphabetical Taxanomies", since currently there are only terms for A-Z.
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.