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Sliders of Static Images for Pages en WordPress

The Toolset Image Slider block allows you to upload or choose images, choose styling options and create beautiful image sliders in a minute.


Follow these steps

  1. Insert the Toolset Image Slider block.
  2. Select the images and click to create a new gallery.
  3. If needed, add captions to the images and click to insert the gallery.

You will now see the slider in the editor.

You can now further customize your slider using options in the sidebar menu:

  • Select the number of columns
  • Turn image cropping on and off
  • Display or hide captions
  • Change the slider output style
  • Style the captions

To learn more about different image options, check out the lesson about displaying images with Toolset.

Main Toolset Block Used in this Lesson

Muestre imágenes estáticas o dinámicas en una barra de desplazamiento

mayo 31, 2021