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Designing the Homepage of Directory Sites

The homepage of any site needs to look great and clearly communicate what you’re offering. You can design beautiful pages using the WordPress Block Editor and Toolset’s blocks.


Adding Dynamic Content to Your Homepage

Your homepage cannot show everything in the directory. Instead, it should highlight your best items. Learn how to display dynamic content on the site's homepage.

Creating a Hero Section

A "hero section" gives your unique selling proposition in a brief and attractive way.

Galleries (Grid, Masonry, Collage) of Static Images for Pages

Most directory sites want to show off their best items in a visual way. Learn how to create dynamic galleries and collages from repeating image fields.

Sliders of Static Images for Pages

Sliders are another great way to feature selected images from your directory.

YouTube Videos with Advanced Options

If you're displaying videos in your directory, learn how to benefit from Toolset's YouTube video, which includes advanced styling and video controls.