Is it possible to achieve the same functionality as this plugin with toolset: lien caché
I know it is possible to add custom fields to taxonomies, but it has limitations (no repeating field groups, no support for sitebuilder)
I want to add custom landingpages created with wpbakery to my taxonomy page.
1. Is it possible to add sitebuilder field (wpbakery or blocks) to a taxonomy?
if not,
2. is it possible to use a CTP as a taxonomy without making use of the relationship feature?
I assume we are talking about in the taxonomy "my-tax" archive page(landingpages), you are going to display some related repeating field groups.
If it is, both of your requests are not available, as a workaround, you can consider these:
1) Create a post type "my-cpt"
- with some custom fields.
- assign it with taxonomy "my-tax"
2) Create some "my-cpt" posts,
setup custom fields values and "my-tax" term value
3) Create a post view:
- Query "my-cpt" posts
- Filter by:
Select posts with taxonomy:
"my-tax" the same as the current archive page
- Display "my-cpt" post information + custom field values
4) Customize the taxonomy "my-tax" archive page, for example:
Display above post view shortcode of step 3)
It should be able to get same result as repeating field groups.
I was afraid that that is the only way around it.
I have already added custom field to my taxonomy, but it seems they are not translatable via WPML. Not even via string translation. Is that a bug?
The only way to translate it is if I switch languages in the backend. But there seems to be no way to use the translation management for it.
I'm asking because I would probably have to create new custom fields and assign them to the new CPT. Is that correct?
You can translate the custom taxonomy fields by these:
1) Dashboard-> WPML-> Settings-> Multilingual Content Setup
In section "Custom Term Meta Translation", find those custom taxonomy field, and enable option "Translate"
2) Dashboard-> WPML->Taxonomy Translation
Find the those specific terms, and translate the custom term fields, see screenshot term-fields.JPG
And in your case, since custom taxonomy field does not support repeatable field groups, the best workaround is I mentioned above: