I reached to Luo for help on creating another shortcode for show_related_domaines2 and he is eager to help and may also take the ticket and continue with you.
To not waste time further, I was trying to find out where this shortcode returns a value other than 0, I tried with the following "Etablissements" and the shortcode returns "0" for each one:
- institut-superieur-de-sante-publique-sainte-edwige-ipss-se
- universite-ouaga-i-pr-joseph-ki-zerbo-uo1-jkz
- institut-superieur-polytechnique-et-de-management-ispm
- africa-executive-school
The shortcode seems to count the "domaines" of "formations" of each "Etablissement", but all the above etablissements returns 0.
Luo has also tried to check but he could not find the issue reproduced on any of the following:
- lien caché check lien caché
- lien caché check lien caché
I do not know what have been changed to make it work now.
Please, let us know if we are missing something? Let us know any example if this is still not working.
It seems the whole thing was a problem with too complex views with too many and nested conditionals.
Splitting the main archive view in one view per taxonomy was the solution.
The problem seems now mainly solved.
Thank you very much for the great support.