Thank you for waiting and I apologize for the delay in getting back on this.
> And I don't know why in the Categories Archive page the CSS line code
> does the issue because here it works fine:
> lien caché
- Since this involves the custom CSS code styles and not the plugin's built-in styles, I'm afraid, it won't be possible for us to troubleshoot/audit it line-by-line.
But you can compare the custom CSS code included in the views and content templates of both these archives, to narrow down to differences.
Note: To check which CSS code is applying to different page elements, you can use Google Chrome's inspect element tool, as explained in this guide:
lien caché
> 1 - the Post Slider is displayed not correctly on the Category Archive page,
> here works fine: lien caché
- I can see the slider on the category archive page ( lien caché ), but there are 54 script-related errors shown in the browser's console as well.
( screenshot: lien caché )
Any of these errors could affect the dynamic elements on the page, including the slider, so the first step should be to fix those errors.
( ref: https://wordpress.org/support/article/using-your-browser-to-diagnose-javascript-errors/ )
> 2 - the Custom Search form should have a white background with padding 1rem and box-shadow
> Instead, I have this... lien caché
- On your author archive page ( lien caché ), the search form styles with the white background are coming from the view "Lista Eventi con Ricerca per Profilo Autore".
( screenshot: lien caché )
But I couldn't find the same styles loaded on the category archive page ( lien caché ).
Please make sure that the necessary styles are included in the archive pages.
> 3 - in the specific Category Archive page the custom search the category select form
> display all categories list, but I have added a query filter where the search results should
> be like the current category archive page, and then the categories in the select form should
> be selected only the category of the current category archive page. And also the results are
> not related to the current category archive page, but it shows all categories posts...
- I've checked the Toolset content templates and WordPress Archives but couldn't find the one assigned to a specific category/taxonomy term.
There is just one content template "Singola Pagina Categoria ok block", assigned to all "Categories" terms.
It is important to remember here that you're not using a loop of posts through Toolset WordPress Archive here. Instead, you've just assigned a toolset content template to a WordPress Archive, when the loop is being controlled through the active theme.
Also, the search form that is shown is coming from a post view and not from a WordPress Archive view.
I feel the right approach in the case would be to use Toolset's WordPress Archives (and not just the content template) and consult Divi theme's documentation or support team, to learn how a new "Sidebar Content Sidebar" layout can be registered.
Once this new layout is available through the theme, it should appear in the WordPress Archive block's settings.
( screenshot: lien caché )
For future reference, please note that as per our support policy ( https://toolset.com/toolset-support-policy/ ), only one question or issue can be addressed through a single ticket.
You're welcome to open a new ticket for each new question or concern.