I am trying to:
Ultimately I am trying to retire Layouts from this site. Right now I am trying to convert a Single Product Layout to a Single Product Content Template along the way.
In the layout, I can use a shortcode to an Elementor template: [elementor-template id="8066"] to show product tab info in Elementor's tabs which the client far prefers to Bootstrap tabs or WooCommerce's own tabs.
If I re-create the layout in a Content Template, change the usage of the layout to not be for products and change the usage of the content template to be for products, everything works except this shortcode.
The tabs include shortcodes in each tab, some are custom shortcodes that retrieve things like Product Category descriptions, a CPT for product documents that is related to product and / or product category, the long product description ([wpv-post-body]), etc.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I fixed this by going back to using Layouts for now as I can't leave the site broken.
We are preparing to move to a different host and the site that is setup there but not pointed to in DNS yet shows the problem. If you set stoneyard.com to in a localhosts file, you can compare:
lien caché
which is now showing the correct output
lien caché
which does not show the tabs at all and does not run the shortcode to do so at all (I've tried inserting various debug code in the shortcode to see if it ever gets called).
I expected to see:
Product image and gallery next to product info and then product tabs underneath
Instead, I got:
No product tabs.
Is this supposed to work or is there something fundamentally different about a Content Template that prevents it from executing the elementor-template shortcode?
Do I need to add the elementor-template shortcode in Third-party shortcode arguments or Functions inside conditional evaluations in order for this to work?
Is this because I'm trying to use a Content Template but Layouts is active?
I've tried this with all non-relevant plugins disabled and with a default theme with no change. There are no related errors in the error log if I enable WordPress error logging.