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[Résolu] Apply a Layout to a Woo Commerce Shop page

Ce fil est résolu. Voici une description du problème et la solution proposée.

The user was unable to display the shop page using a specific layout.

- Make sure that the layout has an archive cell.
- Make sure that the page is not assigned a different layout.
- Make sure to have chosen WooCommerce Views template in Toolset Commerce settings.


This support ticket is created Il y a 3 années et 7 mois. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

This is the technical support forum for Toolset - a suite of plugins for developing WordPress sites without writing PHP.

Everyone can read this forum, but only Toolset clients can post in it. Toolset support works 6 days per week, 19 hours per day.

Aucun de nos assistants n'est disponible aujourd'hui sur le forum Jeu d'outils. Veuillez créer un ticket, et nous nous le traiterons dès notre prochaine connexion. Merci de votre compréhension.

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Supporter timezone: Africa/Casablanca (GMT+01:00)

Ce sujet contient 5 réponses, a 2 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par russellH-3 Il y a 3 années et 7 mois.

Assisté par: Jamal.


Tell us what you are trying to do?
Display my products on the Woo Commerce Shop page which uses the archive-product.php file. I am getting my header and footer from my theme but not any products displaying. Link: lien caché

What I've done:
- In Toolset Woo Commerce Views I've changed the setting on 'Product Archive Template File' which does allow me to see my theme's header and footer. Screenshot: lien caché

- If I got into Toolset Layouts > Templates for Archives and choose 'Change layout use' on a particular layout I have, I then tick Products under Custom Post Archive. I also have Product Categories and Product Tags ticked under Taxonomy Archive. Screenshot: lien caché

Is there any documentation that you are following?

Is there a similar example that we can see?
In comparison, this page has a row of my Products lined up: lien caché. I'm looking for this on the Shop page, or something close.

What is the link to your site?
lien caché



Les langues: Anglais (English ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Africa/Casablanca (GMT+01:00)

Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.

Please check if this issue appears when:
- Only Toolset plugins are activated. It will tell us if there is an interaction issue with another plugin.
- The theme is set to a WordPress default like Twenty Fourteen. It will tell us if there is an interaction issue with your theme.
If the problem disappears, start activating one at a time to track where the incompatibility is produced.

Note, that you have to save the settings under Toolset->WooCommerce Blocks after changing the theme.

If it does not help, I'll need to take a closer look at how your layout is set up, check the parent layout. Your next reply will be private to let you share credentials safely. ** Make a database backup before sharing credentials. **



Les langues: Anglais (English ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Africa/Casablanca (GMT+01:00)

The layout that is assigned for the Products archive is also assigned for Product single posts. I checked it and it is more accurate for single posts than for Archives.

You will need to create a new archive layout and assign it to the product archive. This new layout needs to include an archive cell. Check this screenshot lien caché

I'll let you create the archive layout and work on it. Get back to me if you need any further help.


Thanks Jamal:

I have set up the Layout and assigned it to Product archives, yet the Shop page still isn't showing anything. Here's what I've done:

lien caché

Please let me know what you think — maybe I'm just overlooking something obvious.

Kind regards, Russell



Les langues: Anglais (English ) Français (Français )

Fuseau horaire: Africa/Casablanca (GMT+01:00)

It turns out that the shop page is already using a layout. Check this screenshot lien caché

After removing this layout from the page, the listing is now using the correct layout. Check this screenshot lien caché


Hey Jamal:

Ah, right, I didn't see that. It's sometimes the most obvious things are easy to overlook.

Thank you for your help on this, I really appreciate it.

Kind regards, Russell

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