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[Résolu] View showing data that is not mobile friendly to read

Ce fil est résolu. Voici une description du problème et la solution proposée.

Problem: I have a View of taxonomy terms that displays each term as a link in a grid of results. Google recommends increasing the space between each item so that it is more easily clickable on mobile devices. How can I increase the gap between rows in the View results?

Solution: Use CSS padding applied to a wrapper element around the taxonomy shortcode in the loop to increase the gap between rows.

<div class="tssupp-padding-top-bottom-8px">
Example content: [wpv-taxonomy-link]

In the CSS panel:

.tssupp-padding-top-bottom-8px {
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Ce sujet contient 4 réponses, a 2 voix.

Dernière mise à jour par indianplayschools Il y a 3 années et 6 mois.

Assisté par: Christian Cox.


Google has given me a suggestion to make this page mobile friendly ( clickability issue- showing data that is too close to click on mobile). I have created this using views( long back) . Can you please suggest me how to create a view as I am unable to find a way with the new interface of toolset. Here's the page
lien caché
The view is simple. It brings in the taxonomy - location. I would like to customize the gap between each.


Hello, you can enable the legacy Views editor in Toolset > Settings > General tab. Look for the "Editing experience" section and choose the option that enables both the Blocks experience and the legacy Views editing experience. This will give you access to the Toolset > Views menu, where you can manage your existing Views and create new ones.

It is not currently possible to create Views of taxonomy terms or Views of Users directly in the Block Editor. Those types of Views must be created in Toolset > Views, then inserted in a Block Editor design using the wpv-view shortcode or custom programming.

Let me know if you have questions about that.


Thank you for the prompt response. Truly appreciate it. Good to see the views in dashboard
I would like to know how to add gap between each line , so that there is no readability issue. I tried adding <br>, but didn't work. I know this is not a true Toolset issue, but any help will be appreciated

Screen Shot 2021-03-15 at 11.05.43 AM.png

If you want to increase the height of each element, you can wrap the taxonomy term contents in a div with some CSS that adds top and bottom padding. For example, in the loop:

<div class="tssupp-padding-top-bottom-8px">
Example content: [wpv-post-taxonomy type="location"]

In the CSS panel:

.tssupp-padding-top-bottom-8px {

That produces a gap like you can see in the screenshot here. You can adjust the 8px values as needed to create whatever gap you feel is necessary for legibility.


My issue is resolved now. Thank you so much for writing down the code needed. I could implement it easily on the website

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