Hi Nigel,
on the old (actual) site ob "Birkenhof" the User has to fill out a PDF (see Attachment) if he wants to book a trip for a christian freetime week (or weekend) and send it manually by E-Mail to the corresponding staff member of "Birkenhof". On the new site (besides the the traffic light system) there should also be the possibility, that if the User wants to book a freetime trip he should have the option whether to enter his data (address etc -> see attached PDF) manually in a (booking) form every time again or to register once and for the next time his address data is prefilled in the book. Is this possible with Toolset?
I guess I have to use Toolset Access and CRED? Now, as you can see in the attached PDG on the left site (sorry, only german) you can choose the different freetime trips from a dropdown. On the right side in the PDF you can see some options. Some of the options have blue and orange numbers. So for some freetime trips from the dropdown on the left side there are some options only available to choose from on the right side. Is it possible with a custom post type and conditional output that for some trips (for example 6144, 6166, 6164 etc.) from the left side in the dropdown, the options on the right sid "Kinderbetreuung erwünscht", "Anreise am Freitag zum Abendbrot" and "Eigenes Einkommen" only appear if the User choose the corresponding freetime trip where those options are possible?
Also I thought it would be nice that if the User logs in, he see an overview about his booked trips. Is it possible that the User has the option to cancel the booking trip that this trip will be deleted from his site with Toolset? Also the User should have the option to change/update his address if he is logged in. Is this also possible?
I hope it sounds not too complicated.
Q1) Is this possible with Toolset?
I assume you are going to let your user to fill the forms with wordpress webpages, and submit the data to your webserver.
Yes, It is possible with Toolset, I suggest you try to setup the post types as below:
Parent post type "Trips"
-- Child post type "Booking trip" https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/creating-post-type-relationships/
Q2) Is it possible with a custom post type and conditional output that for some trips
CRED plugin supports "Conditional Display for Form Inputs", see our document: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/conditional-display-for-form-inputs/
This means that some sections can display or hide, based on the values of custom fields and taxonomy inputs.
Q3) option to cancel the booking trip that this trip will be deleted from his site with Toolset?
Yes, if you are going to delete the "booking trip" posts from your website, you can setup CRED links for deleting posts, see screenshot delete.JPG
More help: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/cred-shortcodes/#cred_delete_post_link
Dear Luo,
thanks for the answer. At the moment I don't understand why I should use a Parent Post Type "Trips" and a Child Post Type "Booking trips". I think I didn't understand it. In the backend the staff member or myself should be able to set the trips with the trips description and the traffic light. That is, what it looks like on the old site: lien caché
Red is if it booked out, yellow if there are only few free places left and green if there are enough places left. Please take also a look into this thread with Nigel: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/need-a-special-view-using-a-traffic-light-system/ https://toolset.com/forums/topic/traffic-light-system-2/
From my understanding I should use a Custom Post Type "Trips" with the custom fields (traffic light system, description/details of the corresponding trip -> thats what you see when you click on one of the events on lien caché). In the details screen of each trip I will post a link to the registration form (CRED??), where the user can fill in his data like in the PDF (see my original post of this thread) and he should be asked if he wants to register so for the next time he logs in, his registered data should be prefilled in the form (with CRED??). The registered user should also see his booked trips and should be able to delete a trip and also change/update his adress data ( (see original post). At the moment i can only see one Post Type:
"Trips" with custom fileds for traffic light etc.
A Custom Post Type for the Registration part??
Sorry, that i don't see the whole picture at the moment. Maybe you can help me to see it clearer. 🙂
If the user register on the page and he logs in into his account, can I build in the functionality that the user can update his address data? If yes, will this be realized bith Toolset Forms? Also is the the possibility, that if a user updates his address data, that some team stuff and / or the administrator of the Website will be informed for example via eMail about the change?
Q1) If the user register on the page and he logs in into his account, can I build in the functionality that the user can update his address data?
Yes, it can be realized with Toolset Forms, you just need to setup a CRED form for editing user, users can use it to update their custom user fields, see our document: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/cred-user-forms/
Hi Luo,
I have to make a Custom Post Type out of the "formular_birkenhof.jpg" attached on the top of this site. I will call this Custom Post Type "Registration Form". The form is based on the input of the team stuff member in the Custom Post Type in the backend, because not all things are needed for all events. How can I create a user-form for the front-end-user, which is based on the input of the team stuff member in the Custom Post Type in the backend?
This is the site with the overview of all events this year: lien caché
If you click on one of these events, for example: lien caché
As you can see, this site shows the event details. The form should be integrated right under "Veranstaltungsort".
Another question: Should I make two Custom Post Types? One for the events with the event details and infos and one for the formular creation itself, which I called "Registration Form" as mentioned above?
And how can I display only the overview (lien caché) with the traffic lights? Is it possible to do this out of the events Custom Post Type?
Q1) How can I create a user-form for the front-end-user, which is based on the input of the team stuff member in the Custom Post Type in the backend?
I assume we are talking about this:
Each team stuff member can create a different single "Registration Form" post, Toolset form use data from "Registration Form" post the generate a different Toolset form, setup different post fields in it.
If it is, unfortunately, there isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset plugins, but if you agree, we can take it as a feature request.
I'am not sure if I understood your sentence (Each team stuff member can create a different single "Registration Form" post, Toolset form use data from "Registration Form" post the generate a different Toolset form, setup different post fields in it.).
What I mean is similiar to your video (lien caché). The team member (it is only one team member who is responsible for this) has a Custom Post Type 'events", which I created with toolset. In this CPT are the details for the event and also the different things for the form. Attached you can find a picture what the team member needs in the registration form for the event(s). As you can see in the picture, there are data, which should always contain in the form and other data, which should only contained, if it is needed for an event (for example a children bed is not needed for every event or an instrument for a music event etc.).
I hope that I explained it good enough.
2) In your screenshot, there is a block "Data, which are individual from event to event",
I assume we are talking about this problem:
For each "Event" post, the form fields are different, each form contains different fields.
If it is, then you will need to setup different Toolset form for each "Event" post. Hope it is clear.