Hi, I'm just trying to reply to my other current ticket but before I can submit, the system forces you to do a data dump or share access info, "For files larger than (120M) you can use file-sharing services and share the access information with us here privately." My database size is too big so I need second option but I don't know how to provide the access info as it just only allows me to upload a file from my computer. This seems a little silly to begin with as I just wanted to ask a question about what Luo told me to do...
I assume we are talking about this ticket:
You just need to put your backup in google drive disk, and share the link in the private message box.
See our document:
for sharing purposes, you could use services like DropBox and Google Drive among others.
Yes it woudn't let me share the link though... (I copied and pasted off Dropbox).
lien caché
I can download the file, but it seems to be a broken file, I can not unzip it, and it is only 5.6 M size, please check it.
You can also provide your website credentials in below private message box, I just need to debug it in a live website.
Thanks for the details, I can login your website.
I assume we are talking about this post:
lien caché
You are going to display a custom multiple instance field "Service/supply type", you can use shortcode [wpv-for-each] to display the fields as what you want, for example, edit the content template "Template for City Services 2", setup the "Services Offered" codes as below:
<strong>Services Offered:</strong>
<ul>[wpv-for-each field="wpcf-service-offered"]
<li list-style-type: none;>[types field='service-offered' separator=''][/types]</li>
More help:
Thank you so much Luo Yang. That totally did it. A picture of exactly what to type was super helpful! Made my day!