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I have three CPT, Employers, Employees, Job Listings. Employers to Employees and Employers to Job Listings both have one to many relationships. Employees to Job Listings have a many to many relationship.
I also have a custom taxonomy, Industries, that is assigned to each CPT. I'm trying to figure out if I'd be able to carry over the industry Taxonomy to the different post types. For example, if I add an Employee to the Technology Industry, is there a way for the related Employer to be added to the Technology Industry automatically?
Hi, nothing automatic in Toolset like this, unfortunately. However, with a bit of custom code you could accomplish something similar. You would need to use the save_post hook, wp_get_object_terms, wp_set_object_terms, and the Toolset Post Relationships API to query related posts:
This ticket is the closest thing I have found on the site that does something similar with custom code, but it's designed for WordPress hierarchical posts instead of Toolset's post relationships:
I'm available to assist with any Toolset API if you have some code you would like to collaborate on, not sure of your skill level with PHP and whether or not this is something you want to take on.