view is lien caché
Content template which has it is lien caché
Page is lien caché
Les langues:
Anglais (English )
Fuseau horaire:
America/Jamaica (GMT-05:00)
I tried and it seems there is something more at hand here why its not working.
The next thing I would do is to delete this entire content template as well and remake it.
Since the other templates work find then it can be something in this template itself.
Also what you can try doing is to apply the working template to this post and see if the same issue occurs.
I already deleted the content template and re-did it.
I already deleted the view which the content template refers to, and re-did it.
I also tried to insert the content template in another page
Same results.
If i copy another view (one of those working) inside the content template, the content template works.
what next?
Les langues:
Anglais (English )
Fuseau horaire:
America/Jamaica (GMT-05:00)
I think i've come up with a solution.
Why not move the view outside of the content template and add it to the page template itself.
I've added it here lien caché
As you can see the view shows up as well as the menu items.