So people could register and a post for their band was created using the name they provided in the form
and they were set as the author.
On a new project, which I started by cloning the website,
the site has the same cred form
The post type we are creating is a wedding supplier.
We have added Sumo Subscriptions to Charge people for membership.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: lien caché
I expected to see:
The membership form completed should result in
1. a subscription
2. A user created and set as Suppliers Applicant
3. A custom post type created named [Supplier-Company-Name]
Instead, I got:
1. The subscription was ok.
2. The user type we are left with is CUSTOMER
3. No Custom Post type has been created.
before we added cred commerce, and the additional payment step in teh registration.
The function was correctly handling the new post type and user role.
So the simple cred form would:
1. Create a user with role (Supplier Applicant)
2. Create a CPT (Supplier) using the name given int he cred reg form.
Adding cred commerce has stopped this from working now.
Thanks for the reply,
I just tried a fresh registration and a user was created but as a customer.
The info was taken from the Woocommerce checkout so that's normal I suppose.
And seeing as the billing info was different to the Suppliers info, the billing info was stored as the user and not the cred form data.