I set relationship the way that the WooCommerce Product is a child of Toolset CPT. I have no problems when I display CPT Product children. However, when I try to display Product parent CPT (title) I come across the following issue: the parent post displays improperly when I include Product body (description) in the Layout – instead of the parent CTP title, the current Product title displays; without Product description included in the Layout, the parent CTP title displays properly. I attach screen: lien caché
Hi, can you try the following troubleshooting steps first?
- Temporarily activate the GeneratePress parent theme, then deactivate all plugins except Types, Views, WooCommerce Views, Layouts, and WooCommerce. Test again.
- If the problem was resolved, please reactivate your child theme and other plugins one by one until the problem reappears.
- If the problem was not resolved, please copy + paste the code you are using to display the parent post information. I will be glad to review that for you.
Hi Christian,
switching to parent theme and deactivating plugins didn't help.
The code I use to display information about parent post information is simply:
Posted on [wpv-post-date] by [wpv-post-link id="$profile"]
If only I add to the layout row (Visual Editor) the:
[wpv-post-body view_template="None" suppress_filters="true"]
[wpv-woo-display-tabs disable_reviews_tab="yes"]
[wpv-post-link id="$profile"]
shows the current post tile, instead of the parent one (which is shown properly without the body shorcodes).
[wpv-post-body view_template="None" suppress_filters="true"]
This can be replaced with a Post Content cell, but the wpv-woo-display-tabs shortcode still causes problems. I'm reaching out to my 2nd tier support team for some clarification on this, please stand by and I will update you soon.
Hi, please update to the latest version of Toolset plugins to receive a fix for this problem. Thanks for your patience.