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Post Parent data is not displayed on WooCommerce Products styled with Layouts Visual Editor Cells


Reported for: Toolset Layouts 2.2

Resolved in: 2.3.1


There is an issue when designing a WooCommerce Product using a layout which happens when you insert a shortcode to display (available) Parent Post-Data (the Title of the parent post, for example) and a Post Body shortcode in a Visual Editor cell in Layouts. In this case, the data of the current child post is displayed instead of the parent post data.

This happens only if:
– Post Body shortcode is added to a Visual Editor Cell.
– Layout holding the cell this is applied to a WooCommerce Product.


There is no fix for this issue, however, there is a suggested way of displaying Post Body Data in Layouts, which is to use the Post Content cell.

Using the Post Content cell instead of the Post Body shortcode resolves the issue.

Another approach is to use a Content Template cell instead of a Visual Composer cell.

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