Tell us what you are trying to do? I am trying to Insert edit link in the content template of that post.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
What is the link to your site?
I have created a form to edit the post type. I have inserted this in a content template.
I craeted a content template using blocks to display my custom post. In order to place edit link in the content template of the post, I am unable to load Other Toolset Form Actions under which I can select "Edit Post Link".
This was visible when I was not using block editor.
Thank You
That's right: when using Blocks, you can insert only the Form, not the link to it.
For this, you'd use a Classic Editor Block, as an example, where the known GUI of Toolset Forms will allow you to insert such a link.
If you're using Toolset Blocks you can also use a "TB Fields and Text" Block.
Whether or not in future we will offer a block to add Edit links, I cannot answer right here, but I will update you next week after I consulted with the Developers in regard.
Eventually, this requires a new Feature Request or is already in the To-Do plans, I will know this as soon I have an answer from our Developers.
Escalating until I have an answer.
Hello Sir, Any workaround if I want to add edit post to a content template using block editor?
We have filed this task, and our Developers will eventually implement it depending on a number of conditions that I am not in a position to determine or influence, so I can neither grant nor estimate an ETA.
If you want to put more weight on this feature, you might use the form, however, I can assure that the feature request is filed already and linked to your ticket here, so there is no binding need for you to re-submit this on the form above linked.
As for workarounds, I believe I mentioned it in my previous message here:
"For this, you'd use a Classic Editor Block, as an example, where the known GUI of Toolset Forms will allow you to insert such a link.
If you're using Toolset Blocks you can also use a "TB Fields and Text" Block."
In steps, you'd do this:
1. When editing the Content Template or any post with Gutenberg, insert either a Classic Block, or a "TB Fields and Text" Block.
2. In those blocks you can choose to insert "Fields and Views" or "Toolset Forms" in the known GUI (Guided User Interface), which allows you to insert ShortCodes in the Blocks, using the GUI.
It's almost the same as using pure Blocks, just that the content of the block will be generated with the classic Toolset GUI.
In future, as mentioned such addon blocks will eventually be produced, however, for now, the above is the only solution.
Please let me know if you'd need help implementing it.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!