Hello Pat,
Toolset does not have any tight integration with WooCommerce regarding orders management. The current integration consists of two plugins:
- Toolset WooCommerce Blocks: https://toolset.com/download/toolset-woocommerce-views/
- Toolset Forms Commerce: https://toolset.com/download/toolset-cred-commerce/
Toolset WooCommerce Blocks allows building e-commerce sites with WooCommerce and Blocks. It will allow you to customize how the shop page and single product page appear, through a number of blocks and shortcodes. It will also allow having custom searches within the shop(by price, stock availability, etc.)
Toolset Forms Commerce adds payment collection to Toolset forms. Allowing you to charge clients for submitting posts or for registering new users.
Check these articles about the current Toolset<>WooCommerce integration:
- https://toolset.com/related-lesson/e-commerce/
- https://toolset.com/course/custom-woocommerce-sites/
So, regarding orders, Toolset does not add anything specific to WooCommerce. Orders are a custom post type, registered by WooCommerce, and they can be managed by Toolset in the same way as any other custom post type. For example, listing orders in views with query filters(by status, by the customer, etc.), and you can also manage them through Toolset Forms.
However, changing an order status through a Toolset form will not trigger the same workflow that WooCommerce does(for example, it will not trigger the email notification that WooCommerce does). Because, under the hood, WooCommerce does additional processing than just changing an order status(updating stocks, sending notifications, etc.)
You can always use Toolset Forms and custom code to trigger any WooCommerce workflow you want. For example using the following WooCommerce functions:
- wc_update_order() : lien caché
- wc_update_product_stock_status() : lien caché
I hope this answers your request, let me know if you have any further questions.