Hi Charles,
I found a more recent reply from you on a seperate ticket ( https://toolset.com/forums/topic/split-search-forms-doesnt-work-as-expected/page/5/ ) where you confirmed that the search form seems to be working now.
Since you and Nigel are already working on this topic, I'll request you to close this ticket and continue on that ticket.
If you come across a different issue or question related to the search form's functionality, you're welcome to open a new ticket with specific information and we'll be happy to assist accordingly.
As for the two points you mentioned, you'll recall we've discussed them in different tickets before, but I'll be happy to briefly share the summary again:
- When it comes to web development, HTML and CSS is considered the essential building blocks. When the term "programming" is used, it is most commonly referred to the scripting language, which for WordPress is the PHP language.
It is unfortunate that this difference in perspective, lead to confusion and delay in your project. I'll pass on your feedback internally to make this point more clear in our document "Who is Toolset For?" ( https://toolset.com/who-is-toolset-for/ ), so that a situation like this can be avoided in the future.
(link for this page is available in the footer of our website, on all pages)
For someone who is not comfortable with HTML and CSS code, our recommendation is to hire a professional from our recommended contractors:
You can also benefit from services of very capable freelancers at fairly economical rates through websites like Upwork ( lien caché ) and Freelancer ( lien caché ), for HTML and CSS tasks. You'll see that it will save you a lot of time and back and forth communication.
For questions related to Toolset functionalities, you're always welcome to write to us, anytime.
>> Toolset is NOT compatible with Divi Builder and I feel your company is committing fraud by stating in writing that it is.
- The Toolset plugins are compatible with the Divi Builder, but unfortunately, the Divi Builder is not 100% compatible with the Bootstrap styles and we've clearly mentioned this in the documentation that covers using the two solutions together.
( https://toolset.com/documentation/recommended-themes/toolset-divi-integration/matching-divi-styling-using-toolset/ )
I can understand that this can become more challenging for someone who is not familiar with HTML and CSS code, but I can assure you with full honesty that even with this limitation, you can accomplish a lot more with Toolset plugins, as compared to hiring a developer to build everything from the ground up.
I hope this clarifies.