I am getting the issue mentioned here - https://toolset.com/forums/topic/the-ancestors-attribute-is-missing/ even though it says its already been fixed a while ago?
I built a local copy of your website and checked the archive template.
First, you will need to update Toolset Views to the latest release. You will have to do it manually as we do not provide automatic updates for it.
To get automatic updates, install Toolset Blocks instead of Toolset Views. Both plugins are the same, they are just released with two names. You can activate Toolset Blocks and keep working without any issues. In fact, if you activate Toolset Blocks, Toolset Views will be automatically deactivated.
Then, you will have the last fix discussed in the errata https://toolset.com/errata/the-ancestors-attribute-is-missing-message-when-adding-relationship-filter-to-view-or-wpas/
But, the archive template that you are working on is assigned to taxonomies instead of the custom post type. I tried it on a clean install and I was not able to choose the relevant relationship and finish building the template. Check this screenshot lien caché
I'll need to discuss this with our 2nd Tier to confirm if we should expect the filter to be available in this case too or not. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Regarding the conditional request, I'll be replying in a new ticket. For support rules, we are able to handle only one issue at a time. This helps us to bring you a better service and also helps other users to find all the information here exposed.
Our 2nd Tier and our developers agreed that we don't have a way, currently, to check the possible relationships for the possible custom post types in an archive template. The developers will work on this as a usability issue and we will have something in the future.
As of now, it is not possible to have a relationship filter inside an archive template. You may want to create this archive template using the legacy editor where you will be able to add filters using shortcode without needing the user interface options. Let me know if you need assistance with this.