Hi Alex,
Thanks for writing back and sorry about the delay in getting back on this.
If I understand the requirement correctly, you'll need 3 different views for this.
Here are the steps:
1. Suppose this is the structure of the category terms:
( screenshot: lien caché )
Topic A
- Topic A-1
- Topic A-2
Topic B
- Topic B-1
- Topic B-2
Topic C
- Topic C-1
- Topic C-2
2. The first view will be a taxonomy view "View to show parent topics", that will show only the parent terms.
It will be set to show the required taxonomy terms, but with a query filter where "parent is none".
( screenshot: lien caché )
As a result, you'll have a list of parent topic terms.
( screenshot: lien caché )
3. The second view will also be a taxonomy view "View to show child topics", that will show only the child terms.
It will be set to show the same taxonomy terms, but with a query filter where "Parent is the taxonomy selected by the parent Taxonomy View".
( screenshot: lien caché )
When you'll nest this second view inside the first one, by placing its shortcode inside the loop, you'll have a hierarchal list of parent and child topic terms.
( screenshot: lien caché )
4. The third view will be a post view "View to show posts of the current term", that will show posts attached to the child terms.
It will be set to show the required post type, with a taxonomy query filter where "Categories are Set by the parent Taxonomy View".
( screenshot: lien caché )
When you'll nest this third view inside the second one, by placing its shortcode inside the loop, you'll have a hierarchal list of parent and child topic terms, along with the posts attached to those child terms.
( screenshot: lien caché )
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.