I am trying to: create a custom image size like this {!{wpv-post-featured-image size='custom' width='320' height='350' crop='true'}!}, but image is not showing. When I use this code on other site, it is working.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
lien caché not working lien caché working
I expected to see: something like this lien caché
Instead, I got: lien caché
What I need is help do I miss something, when I want to use on the fly image crop functionality in views
Hi Shane, you have not replied, so I reverted the site to the stage before your login. We can meet and I can give you again permission to create a clone of the site
So i've set the site successfully and saw that when I changed the crop and size information the images change on my end.
Based on this it seems to be an issue with the server itself not being able to crop your images and produce the new sizes. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it if the issue isn't replicable since we can't debug server issues.
What I would recommend that you do is to contact the hosting provide and explain to them the issue. The reason is because the correct URL's are being generated for the cropped images, its just that the server isn't resolving these urls and returning a 404 for it.
Please try this and let me know if this helps.