I have tour operators that either have a twitter handle, a facebook ID or both. Here is my code:
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-twitter-handle) eq '' )" evaluate="false"]<img class="alignleft" src="lien caché field='twitter-handle' output='raw'][/types]/profile_image?size=bigger" />[/wpv-conditional]
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-facebook-id) ne '' ) OR ( $(wpcf-twitter-handle) ne '0' )" ]<img class="alignleft" src="lien caché field='facebook-id' output='raw'][/types]/picture?type=normal" />[/wpv-conditional]
This link, lien caché, only has a twitter handle, this one only has a fb ID, lien caché this one has both, lien caché. I need to show either one if it's available but hide the blank image placeholder if not as well as if a company has both then use the fb ID.
I can't seem to get the logic right.
Thanks for your help!
Yes, the code I had worked, but now if a company has both twitter and facebook, it shows both: lien caché
I only need it to show one. How can I do that?
Well - if company have both twitter and facebook - which Id you want to show?
Actually - what is your requirement?
- if both twitter and facebook available - show only one ID - which?
- if only twitter available - do we need to show it?
- If only facebook available - do we need to show it?