Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have Woocommerce products (artwork product) with related custom content (artist). I need to show the artist name related with the product (artwork) in cart, mini-cart and checout page.
What is the link to your site?
lien caché (password protected website)
How do you setup the custom content (artist)?
Is it a custom post type?
Is there any relationship between the Woocommerce products and the custom content (artist)?
And there isn't such a built-in feature to display related posts in Woocommerce cart, mini-cart and checout pages.
It needs custom codes, I suggest you follow the Woocommerce documents to customize the cart, mini-cart and checout pages:
lien caché
And use Toolset relationship API function to get related artist post information:
Hi Luo,
Yes, Artist is a Toolset Custom Type and there is a relation between Products and Artists.
I've used a Elementor Minicart Template (if it is necessary I can use the standard minicart template) and standard Woocommerce Checkout and Cart pages.
I'm not a developer. I don't know how use the Toolset API with the Woocommerce hooks. Please, can you help me about this?
According to our support policy, we don't provide custom codes support:
You can check it with our Toolset certified consultants:
My issue is not resolved now.