Need a tutorial / explanation / example of how to import format and content using an xml file - without a plugin
Dear David,
Please elaborate the question with more details:
1) What kind xml file do you want to import?
2) How and where do you want to import the format and content
There is a plugin "Toolset Module Manager" within Toolset:
And here is the document "Using Toolset Module Manager"
For your reference.
Hi Luo, Thanks for getting back to me, truth is I've been unable to import using the free CSV Importer - which has always worked in the past - and I don't want to spend $100 for Ultimate CSV Importer, so I'm looking for an alternative solution and thought if I could see an example xml file I may be able to go that route.
I'll check out the Toolset Module Manager and see if I can make progress with that, if you have any other ideas or suggestions I'd be very happy to hear them, as all this is taking me way to long and I'm getting a little desperate.
Thanks for any help
They are different,
The "CSV Importor" works for importing/exporting post content, including taxonomy terms and custom field values.
The "Toolset Module Manager" works for importing/exporting settings of Toolset plugins, including custom post type/taxonomy/field settings.
Please update this thread if you still need more assistance.
So is there an xml alternative to csv importer for importing content?
No, there isn't existed tutorial / document for XML importer plugin.
But you can try other XML importer plugins, for example:
And feedback if there is any compatibility problem.
Hi Luo,
After many hours of googling my CSV Importer plugin problem, I came across this article:
lien caché
I'm including it here in the hope it'll help others having the same problem and maybe you could include it as a link on your page recommending the free CSV Importer and Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugins
Many people (including me) are searching for, and asking how you can use custom fields in the WordPress CSV importer. The plugin page says:
Any column that doesn’t start with csv_ is considered to be a custom field name. The data in that column will be imported as the custom fields value.
So I made an excel spreadsheet with 2 columns:
(example) my_custom_field
And by importing this CSV file WordPress gave me the following error:
Skipped 3 posts (most likely due to empty title, body and excerpt). Imported 0 posts and 0 comments in 0.23 seconds
But after trying different combinations of column names as: csv_post_post and csv_post_type nothing worked and every time WordPress gave me the error. So maybe it was my CSV file that isn’t saved the right way. Then I went to Google Drive where you can make spreadsheets. I made a Spreadsheet in Google (the same as my old one, with the 2 columns), Saved it as CSV file, imported it with WordPress CSV importer and it Worked!
So my solution for importing Custom fields in WordPress CSV importer is to use CSV files from Google Spreadsheet.
So I no longer need the XML solution.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for sharing the solution