I am trying to: using 4 slider in a page
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: lien caché
I expected to see: a fastest load of the slides images
Instead, I got: A slowest load of the images
Hi, I see a few JavaScript errors on this page, but I believe the main issue here is the number of AJAX requests being triggered by these sliders. Usually these are triggered to preload content, but when multiple sliders are in place it can cause sluggish response times on some hosts. One thing you can try is to edit each View and go into 'Advanced Options' in the Pagination and Slider settings. You can disable preloading images before transitions and you can disable preloading pages. Those two settings should provide a significant increase in performance, since there will be fewer AJAX requests at the same time upon page load.
Your site's memory settings and PHP version look pretty good. We recommend MySQL 5.6+, and I can see your site is running 5.5.5, so that is one area where you could potentially see a speed increase. Your images look well optimized, so I don't think the problem is image download speed. It's just the AJAX requests piling up.
Hi Christian,
Thanks for your reply.
I have disabled the preloading images before transitions and the preloading pages, and I think now the sliders work fine but I think they could be more fastest.
So, for MySQL I cannot do nothing... so, I need to wait an update in the hosting service. The database is in a MariaDB Server.
Okay just keep in mind that the more sliders you add to the page, the slower it will get. No database adjustment is going to completely resolve this, because the number of simultaneous AJAX requests is the true problem here, not the MySQL speed. It might help some to update MySQL version, but it's not a real cure for the problem. There are limits to the number of sliders a single page can handle, based on how the server handles multiple simultaneous admin-ajax.php requests.
So, in this site, this are the limit of sliders that I will use.
One slider for every principal subsite of the network.
The other elements will be displayed using a related subsite posts lists generated by View.
I hope that the main site will be fastest too.
Okay, let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!