Tell us what you are trying to do? Work with a membership Website
Is there any documentation that you are following? No there is not documentation for this feature
Is there a similar example that we can see?Not exactly
What is the link to your site?
lien caché
I opened a ticket back in 2014 looking for this feature and I wanted to check in and see if anyone has a way to do it now.
Here is the previous ticket:
Essentially, our website has a list of members and we have a waiting list of potential members (Created using a custom post type, not a user, at the time of original construction a cred form could not edit a user, but this can change if it works better) and I would like to have a field that allows us to manage those next in line. Currently we have a number field that has to be updated manually for all of those still on the waiting list. This process gets to be a bit much when we have to update the entire list every time a member drops out. People want to be able to check their status for the their place in line to see how long it will be for them.
Is there a way to possibly select a check box and create a loop of some kind that would count those not active and determine who is next in line? Possibly using a post ID or something of that nature so that when someone is added to the official membership roster those still on the waiting list will get automatically updated?
I know this may be an advanced function but with all of the new features that have been added I wanted to check and see if there was something that i was not aware of that could accomplish this process easier.
Toolset Forms meanwhile can also edit users, however, your goal IMO would have been achievable easily back in 2014 already. Maybe I miss something crucial.
I understand you simply need a list, that shows items (the users) according to their position in the membership queue.
Since each prospect likely is positioned by the moment when applying (so someone applying yesterday for membership comes before the one applying today, and that one comes before the one applying tomorrow), the easiest here is to simply create a View of those posts, and order them by Post ID, DESC or ASC.
Post ID's in WordPress are numerically incrementing values so each new prospect has guaranteed a higher ID than his predecessor.
Now, to make people disappear from that list one they are member, you can either simply delete their Custom Post (this will not affect your list because there will be always oldest/newest prospects with respectively lower or higher ID).
You would only need manual interaction when admitting the prospect as a member by deleting their prospect post, or simply using some Custom Field (maybe a checkbox "member"), to check and exclude from the prospects list.
No control over the actual queue position is required to be updated, as you will always use the Post ID and that will be incremented for each prospect, and never repeat or "go back" in the count.
So newest prospects always will be lowest on the list.
Ok so here is some more clarifying information. I know thatI can add an additional check box to show as an "Active Member" The members are not removed from the list when they become an active member as it is still used as the emergency contact list.
I need to be able to show the members position in the list as they are "#3 on the waiting list" or so as they are not shown publicly and the users can only see their own status not able to see everyone else in the list due to some privacy controls that we need in place.
As said, if those are WordPress users, their ID is incrementing in numeric order.
Hence you can order the View by User ID and will always get the position of waiting if you admit users by their "time past since application" and not other criteria.
If there are other criteria, then you need a Custom Field that you update manually for each user as likely in this case the incrementing numerical order of application would not be the decisive condition to be admitted or not.
Now, it seems that you do tough not want to list all users. You want instead to show the numeric order in the waiting list to the ONE; single logged-in user.
So, you do not want to show a list, but only the position in the waiting list for the one currently logged in user.
You could still use a View, but wrap the Loop list into an HTML condition, that shows the content only for the current logged in user matching item in the list of users.
So, the View would produce a list (numbered, which is the position in the waiting list for the users), but with the HTML condition, you would hide all single
items, unless the displayed item (user) is the same as the currently logged in.
That will, on the front end, display the one
item, but still counted thru all users (hence it might display item of list 37, or whatever)
This would allow achieving the goal without any additional fields.
HTML Conditions are explained here:
Another approach would include an additional custom field, I think, at least. That would need to be edited manually or with some custom code to make it incremental.
I think the first solution is more suitable. Please let me know if you'd need an example, I could set up some minimal on your site if you agree, I would, however, need access and permission to it.