Above shows in the debug log correctly an error in $error_fields for post_title saying:
['post_title'] = 'Post Exists, choose another title';
Yet, the form is still submitted, the post still created, and no error thrown!
The example on the DOC is not showing anything else than I do, thus, the mere act of passing an $errors['post_title'] = 'Post Exists, choose another title'; seems should suffice to trigger the Form to stop submit, throw error, and make user chose another name.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Hi Beda - I hope you are doing great.
I just checked with the following code with my test site and I've post exists with post title namely "Artist Four" and then if I try to create another post using the same post title "Artist Four" - it shows me the correct error. Please check the following screenshot:
=> lien caché