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Check the form itself. User edit forms require you to specify the roles of the users that the form can edit (screenshot).
I expect the most likely explanation would be that the user role is not checked here, even though you might have set up Access permissions to allow the konsultant role to see the form.
I would upload movie how it works, but it is blocked. Morover I have toolset on other site and there is no problem to set this form.
When I have marked "konsultant" (file 1 in attachment) then I have error, but when I unmark it then it works, but there is no way to edit form (screenshot 2), and after I switch on "konsultant" again form is clear.
If you could chceck it by yourself I would be thankfull. Here is access:
{private info removed}
at the moment I have bought "User Registration & User Profile – Profile Builder" plugin and probobly will use it to set users profile correctly. So please freeze this ticket for a moment