I am trying to:
Sometime need to change some values because the employers of the web put it incorrectly, when try to change from backend on edit post, the system autosend email of the forms, y had a pluging that log all mail that web send and i check when made some modification on data, send the mail
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
Its private site
Yes that should the teory , but when make a modification on muestras, i the system send a email . Its normaly when change some field that the form had trigger to send.
lien caché can check the mail sends, and if modified (the website had lock that cant never send mails but the pluging save all interaction)
IF go to lien caché
and modify the field that are a checkbox, and on form lien caché had a rule that if change the status send a email. when that rule are disabled,and modify the back end dont send emails. but if enable it then start to send.
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