Thank you for your detailed response, however I have the feeling we won’t come to a solution as your point of view is fully focused on point “3. We do not suggest to use Divi and Toolset this way”
I’ve been a Divi user since it’s first release, have been using Toolset in combination with Divi from the first release of Divi. This works fine, can be managed with no problems at all.
I’ve been using the CPT Layout Injector also since it’s first release, as this simply saves a huge amount of time. This plugin handles the need of creating predefined Divi Layouts and use them as default on Post Types, but at the same time allowing the user to enable the divi builder for themselves and create a post using the Divi Builder. In other words, when not using the Divi Builder and simply adding a title, content and when present also post fields, these will be used with the standard Divi Layout set by the CPT Layout Injector.
But when the user activates the Divi Builder, then the default layout won’t be used. Then simply the Divi Layout created with the Divi Builder when creating the post will be used.
But I think you already figured this out.
This approach has been used in lot’s of my projects which I simply can’t change and there is no need for it to change… as like you already mentioned, the old shortcodes can be used. Although these can’t be used as Divi Module values en for those modules I still need to create Content Templates to output the desired content / look and feel.
Let me respond to your points:
“1. We have a number of BUGs with the DIVI theme integration.”
Indeed, and that’s one of the reasons I am not using this new functionality. There are simply to many issues to use it in our ongoing projects. The Divi settings are a great idea, but they simply don’t come near the wanted effect.
“2. There are style issues surging from how DIVI HTML is coded, we are aware of this, but cannot solve it right now”
Like I mentioned in the previous response, full width? Not working… Paddings (also with Toolset not loading Bootstrap) not as wanted. So that means lots and lots of custom CSS work which I don’t need at all when using my current work-around.
By the way, thank you for those topics, as I didn’t read them yet.
“3. We do not suggest to use DIVI and Toolset this way.”
Well the reason for my way of working is already mentioned at you own responses… There are BUGs with Divi Theme Integration… There are style issues how Divi is coded… well it isn’t how Divi is coded… it is how Divi / Toolset / Bootstrap is coded. There are conflicts on ID’s and Classes that both or even the three of them used I guess.
You already tried to push me in the direction of this process in an earlier response:
- create a CPT with Types
- create some CF's with Types
- create your Layout with the DIVI builder (use the new syntax)
- create a CT with Views
- edit the CT with the Builder
- apply the layout created with Builder previously to the Content Template (inserted from the DIVI library).
But as you know, this does not have the wanted output. Full width isn’t full width…
- there are additional unwanted margins / paddings…
- there are alsomissing paddings / margins missing
Please have a look at the attached images…
Image 1. Toolset.jpg
This is the output of your approach.
The Divi settings set in the CT are fullwidth and show no Title.
As you can see, it isn’t full with at all!! The blue section is still in the middle… ?!?
Also the padding above the blue section shouldn’t be there, even when the top and bottom margins of the blue section have been set at 0px. (while this shouln’t be needed at all, have a look at Image 2. Divi.jpg)
Image 2. Divi.jpg
This is how the post would look like when using the Divi Bulder on a Post…
Image 3. CPT Layout Injector.jpg
This is how the Posts looks when using my current approach , the CPT Layout Injector.
So search for the differences and you can guess why I use which approach….
I fully understand that a Toolset Supporter / Developer etc wants to push me into using the Toolset approach. But come on, you can’t be serious if you see these differences.
Hopefully you can forward my requests to the developers and maybe there will be a solution in the future. But I have the feeling we won’t come to the same level in terms of agreeing on the current approach / needed output.
REMARK: has there been a change in approach of enabling the new shortcodes? I created a new wordpress install to create these images and didn’t see the new shortcode structure… the old ones where being used. Latest Divi and Toolset Plugins were used.