This is an extension of a previous thread. (sorry was late in responding)
The code snippet was added via Tooset>> Settings>>Custom Code>> "seo-redirect-compat"
Problem: This code provides access to the SEO press redirection, but it prevents the user from removing the redirection. Please see recording. lien caché
Clicking the "remove" button takes user back to the the SEO Press page and does not remove the message. There is no way to remove redirection messages.
Thanks for the details, I am checking it in your website, will update here if find anything.
There isn't same problem with the duplicator package you provided in previous thread, see my screenshot redirection1
So I have to download the new duplicator package from your new staging website, will update here if find anything
I have tried these in your staging website:
1) Install and activate duplicator plugin
2) Try to create new duplicator package:
lien caché
It does not work in your website.
Please provide your website database dump in below private message box, you can use other Mysql tools(for example PHPmyadmin) to export it, I need to reproduce the same problem and debug it in my localhost, thanks
I am downloading the new files, will update here if find anything
Hi, Just following up on this issue with blocking SEO Press functionality. Any updates or have you found the problem?
Thank you!
You can exclude custom post types of SEO Press plugin by using filter hook "toolset-access-excluded-post-types" from Access control, for example:
1) Deactivate the custom codes of your previous thread:
2) Add below codes into your theme file "functions.php":
add_filter('toolset-access-excluded-post-types', function($excluded_post_types){
$excluded_post_types[] = 'seopress_404';
return $excluded_post_types;
Above codes won't work in Toolset Custom code snippets setting page.
And it should be able to fix the previous thread problem too, tested it in my localhost with your duplicator package, please test it in your website, check if it is fixed. thanks
This worked on my personal site. I was able to delete redirection notices and view the redirections page. I really appreciate the help on this. I'll share this with SEO Press.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!