[Résolu] How to use accordions in a View output with the first accordion open
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Client is using Bootstrap accordions for a View output but cannot get them to work, and has the requirement that the first accordion should be open.
P.S. - I have same issue with 'modals' (click on credit cards and banks logos) and 'accordions' as in both cases it basically display only first post View, after I 'wrap' View in new View. I t probably I'm doing something wrong.
1) All accordions are presented closed, and I want (need, must to have) that first accordion be opened. I tried many combinations, but ZERO. I finally get sort of conclusion how that is not possible as all items are in loop (so, behavior must be the same - what I get, as or all are closed or all are opened).
Also, I tried to somehow get 'toggle' to work, as I thought that it should to solve the problem (so, set to open - obviously for ALL, but also activate 'toggle' what should to lead that only first will be open - what I want).
2) Issue is that I couldn't achieve that, not even by direct code, not even by JS (my very bad side).