I am trying to: display all posts of CPT
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: lien caché
I expected to see: all CPT posts without a 'More ...' button
Instead, I got: all CPT posts WITH a 'More ...' button
Hi, unfortunately Views are not designed to be paginated by Jetpack or any other 3rd-party infinite scrolling system. The buttons that manage infinite scrolling actions on this page seem to be Jetpack, correct? Those buttons aren't integrated with Views. Views comes with its own built-in infinite scrolling system, but the trigger mechanism is automated by scrolling rather than by clicking a button. If you need assistance implementing Views infinite scroll without the button, let me know and I'll be glad to help out. If you'd like to see a "More results" button added to the software, I encourage you to submit a request here: https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/
If you're interested in making something custom with your own custom code, there are some JavaScript event hooks built into Views to trigger your own code during the AJAX update lifecycle. In the View editor screen, find the JS panel in the Search and Pagination editor area (screenshot). Twirl it open, and then click "Frontend events". The system will help you create several different event hooks here. Use jQuery in the callback instead of "$".
Since I didn't want the 'More' button, the more-to-the-point answer would've been:
The problem is with Jetpack's 'Infinite Scroll'. In Jetpack Settings > Theme enhancements > Infinite Scroll , select "Load more posts using the default theme behavior".
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!