I would like to set up a custom search of a post type which would return results in the order of most taxonomies matched.
So, for example, the taxonomy in question is "category" and the search filter is set up with category checkboxes: category 1, category 2, category 3, category 4. The user might select three checkboxes and click "submit." Then I would like the results to be ordered by most categories matched. If there are posts that match all three categories, they would appear at the top, followed by those that match two categories, followed by those that match one category.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - there is no such feature available to order by the custom search result based on the taxonomy term selection.
You can set ordering or view by post ID, title, custom field etc..etc.. but there is no feature to display results order by based on the taxonomy term selection.
If the information shared above does not help, this needs custom programming which is beyond the scope of our support policy. If you need custom programming for your project, please feel free to contact our certified partners:
=> https://toolset.com/contractors/