I've just realized that the "Edit Account" WooCommerce page only works if I'm logged in as the administrator and not as a user in the role "subscriber". The only area in Access I can see WooCommerce permissions is under "Types Fields - WooCommerce Views filter field." I've set all roles to be able to modify fields in edit page but the page still isn't working. Is there something else I need to do? Thanks.
- Aaron
Dear Aaron,
Are you using Access plugin to limit read access to "Edit Account" page?
If it is, please edit the "Edit Account" page, follow our document to setup the limitation:
When I go to the Woo Commerce "Edit Account" page (inside the dashboard), the admin can edit their account but when a user in the "subscriber" role does, the form does not submit and the change does not happen. No error message is generated - it just doesn't update the user role.
The Edit Account page is of the page post type and in Access Control guests and subscribers all have read access to these pages. Under "WooCommerce Views filter controls" the subscriber role has full permission.
The article you linked to seems to just talk about post groups. I'm not sure how setting up a post group would help here. When I talked to WooCommerce support, they recommended I install another plugin called "User Role Editor" (https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-role-editor/) but I wanted to check with you first because you would think Access would be able to handle this.
- Aaron
There isn't similar problem in my localhost, I have tried below steps, please correct me if there is anything missing
1) Install and activate Woocommerce plugin, download from:
2) Create a new user "test" with role "subscriber", login as user "test", open the
lien caché
I can see it works fine, see screenshot subscriber.JPG
And user "test" can update his "shipping and billing addresses "
So there might be other compatibility issue in your website, which prevent "subscriber" user from "MY ACCOUNT", I suggest you try these:
deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme, and test again, try to locate the problem plugin/theme
Hi Luo,
I can confirm this issue was being caused by the WooCommerce my-account.php file. Sorry to bother you with it, but thanks for the help nonetheless.
- Aaron