I'm trying to display post relationships in their correct hierarchy.
I was already doing that with some custom code done here, but through taxonomies. Since I've had to revamp to be able to do a hierachical custom search I'll be moving the naturally hierarchical taxonomy to relationships.
It's currently like this:
Fabs (Manufacturers)
-Modelos (Models)
--Versiones (Versions)
lien caché < can be seen here. This links shows both the hierarchical view already existing inside a container called "Aplicaciones" and right below an unordered list from a view set to display the three custom post types.
I already tried putting the last Versiones (in the same way it works in the custom search, where you put first the last and ir rearrenges) and hoping¡? it would query backwards didn't work.
Then what shows now is a View with the three CPT Fabs, Modelos, Versiones querying the relationship from the current post the view is in.
I'm just unsure how to create the view to either show the entire hierarchy and then work on the output/style or a nested view that does the same.
From what I could search on the forums there's nothing exactly like I need.
It needs nested taxonomy views, for example:
1) Parent taxonomy view:
- Query term of custom taxonomy "fabricante"
- Filter by:
a) Taxonomy is set by the page where this View is inserted
b) Select taxonomy terms whose parent is None.
- In view's loop, display the term information + below child taxonomy view
2) taxonomy view:
- Query term of custom taxonomy "fabricante"
- Filter by:
a) Taxonomy is set by the page where this View is inserted
b) Select taxonomy terms whose parent is the value set by the parent view.
- In view's loop display term information + the child taxonomy view it self
In the single "producto" post, display above parent taxonomy view shortcode.
Thank you!
Haven't been able to test it out just yet, I'll update here ideally between today and tomorrow.
I have marked this thread as "Waiting for feedback" status, please update here if you still need assistance for it.