When I use this generic field in the "edit content" form. I does not load the post content, so it could be edited.
I tried to use a shortcode in the defaults field to show the current value but thisthen shows the HTML (which has never been entered):
I want users to save and edit the post content without that horrible WYSIWYG editor. I want to keep linebreaks, but that's pretty much it. No one should be allowed to enter HTML or anything.
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Fuseau horaire: Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
I tested this on my own site and it worked okay.
I created a form to publish posts, and replaced the post content field with a generic field (slug post_content).
And I created a form to edit posts (which I added to an unassigned content template, then linked to from the content template for single Posts) which also replaced the post content field with a similar generic field, where the default value was provided by the wpv-post-body shortcode.
Note that where I added the generic field I included a "persist" option, which means that the field value will be saved. (Ordinarily they are not, and should be processed with server-side PHP using one of the Forms API hooks such as cred_save_data.)
Also you need to be mindful of how single and double quotes are mixed.
In the edit form the generic field looks like this:
Sorry, the question "How easy was it to use the solution" had a range from 1- 5. I intuitively clicked 5 as it was "very easy". But 5 was labelled "very hard" which is not ideal from an evaluation perspective. I saw this after submitting.
Therefore, it got the wrong feedback. Cannot undo. Maybe you should consider inverting this range. A higher number means higher power to the attribute used in the question. So this is designed just plain wrong.
Furthermore, after reopening the ticket it asked me to give the feedback again, did that but got the following error:
ERROR: Duplicate reply detected; it looks as though you've already said that!