Q1) I am trying to change the date selectors in a form to block certain dates depending on existing bookings, and not allowing them to choose dates before today...
It is a custom codes problem, according to our support policy, we don't provide custom codes support.
Here are my suggestion: in Toolset forms, the datepicker instance has already been initiated when you load the page, so you don't need to create new datepicker instance, you can change the existed datepicker options(minDate), like this:
jQuery(document).on('cred_form_ready', function() {
jQuery('.js-wpt-date[name^=\"wpcf-end-date\"]').datepicker('option', 'minDate', 0);
jQuery('.js-wpt-date[name^=\"wpcf-starting-date\"]').datepicker('option', 'minDate', 0);
You can disable your custom codes, test above codes directly:
edit post form "Submit Booking", click "JS editor", copy/paste above JS codes, and test again.
More help:
lien caché
see "Code examples" in above document
Q2) When I do submit the booking form (if the above issue is bypassed), the form is not emailed to me.
I assume we are talking about the same post form, the notification settings "Booking Request Submitted", in option "Send notification to a specific email address", you are using custom shortcode:
[get_parent_email post_id='[wpv-post-id]']
That option does not support custom shortcode, in your case, I suggest you setup custom codes using filter hook "cred_notification_recipients", see our document:
You can get the example codes by clicking "Usage examples"