Hi there. I have a problem with a custom search.
I have 5 filters in a custom search. First and second filter are relationship filters. 3rd, 4th & 5th are custom fields filter. The setup of the custom search view is Full page refresh when visitors click on the search button with input values auto-updating.
This is the result of the view: lien caché
If i click any of custom fields filters, all filters refresh but whenn i click in submit, the result of search is all records no filtered. If I click any of relationship filters the result is right.
This is the result of the view: lien caché
If the first & second filter is = 0, the custom search show unexpected results.
Any idea where is the problem?
Thanks in advanced
I can't see lien caché, as it is behind a coming soon screen.
I have activated a private reply in case I need to log in for seeing this.
Now, I understand you added more than one post-relationship filter, but technically this is not possible in Views
You can add only one filter by Post Relationship each View (One chain of related posts)
I think I need to see this on a minimal as possible view (where no other HTML or else is used to style, just the raw output) so we can work together on a solution, if possible.
I will log in, but not make any changes, just look how it is created.
I cannot see any custom search with the features you describe on lien caché
Can you please show me where the relationship filters are added and editable?
Hi Beda. I'm sorry. I worked on that this weekend and filters were changed.
The custom search is in Vista de busqueda de negoci. Here are the filters.
The problem is
Go to the homepage and click in Buscar negoci - Click in checkbox 30m and submit. It shows 4 records. But only 2 have checked 30m (kreamedia and webprojectes bCN). However... if you select any option of the the dropdowns and check (or not) any checkbox and submit the search... the custom search works fine. It seems that is necessary to select any option of any dropdown before to do the submit. If you select only checkboxes the custom search show all records
Beda... I think that is working now. Please... don't do anything. I must to check it again. Please... Don't close the ticked yet. Thanks.